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▲礁溪「抹茶山」比美風景明信片。(圖/IG @yun_158、Lu Hung-ming)

網紅打卡新熱點 礁溪「抹茶山」比美風景明信片

▲聖母山莊的歷史可以追溯到1979年,由義大利籍巴瑞士修士(Br. Luigi Pavan)募款建立聖母山莊,並豎立聖母像作為登山與朝聖者的休息站。巴瑞士修士於羅東聖母醫院奉獻20餘年,在台傳教奉獻26年,羅東成為他第二個故鄉。| The Sacred Mother Hut’s history can be traced back to 1979. It was funded by the Italian monk, Br. Luigi Pavan, and the statue of the Virgin Mary was erected as a resting place for climbers and pilgrims, alike. The Luigi Pavan has dedicated more than 20 years to the Camillian Saint Mary’s Hospital Luodong (羅東聖母醫院), and has done 26 years of missionary work in Taiwan. Luodong has since become his second home.(Courtesy of Lu Hung-ming)
▲耶穌受難像| Crucifix statue (Courtesy of Lu Hung-ming)


As you ascend the peak, the legendary Matcha Mountain unravels before your eyes.

What draws so many to come here and take countless snapshots are the furls of mountain ridges that perfectly imitate greenish matcha ice cream.

▲巴瑞士修士時常來聖母登山步道健行,後來接收聖母啟示,聖靈將賜福於來此登山的人,於是花盡積蓄,蓋建聖母山莊。| The monk Br. Luigi Pavan often kept healthy by hiking the Sacred Mother Trail, he then later received a revelation from the Virgin Mary that the Holy Spirit would bless all those who wandered this trail. After spending much of his savings, he built the Sacred Mother Hut. (Courtesy of Lu Hung-ming)
▲俯瞰聖母山莊|A bird’s eye view of Sacred Mother Hut (Courtesy of Lu Hung-ming)


This “Matcha Mountain” is actually named Sanjiaolun Peak (三角崙山), which belongs to the Xueshan Range (雪山山脈).

If you try to look out towards this mountain range, you’ll notice that it seems to stretch out infinitely.

The presence of grass slopes is usually only seen in the mountains above 2,000 meters, but these vividly green hills are only at 900 meters high, all thanks to the strong northeastern monsoon, which blows into the mountain vegetation and transforming it into an emerald carpet of grassy slopes.


This section of the hiking trail takes about half a day back and forth and belongs to the elementary-level hiking route.

However, for those who rarely ever walk into the mountains and forests, the trek might leave their legs feeling numb.

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