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▲中部賞花景點。(圖/lilianwang_tw、red、Wuling Farm)



Six-hectares forest, a secret garden in Lavender Cottage, features more than 8,000 trees and a 200-meters-long wood path. It offers an excellent spot for visitors to slow down and experience the tranquility so rarely found in modern life.

▲佔地6公頃的大片森林,種植超過八千棵樹木,是薰衣草森林的秘密後花園 | Six-hectares forest, a secret garden in Lavender Cottage, features more than 8,000 trees and a 200-meters-long wood path.(Courtesy of resume 5588)

來到薰衣草森林,別忘了拜訪年輪郵局,一張明信片,將旅途中的美好記錄下來,與親朋好友分享 ; 或是寄給未來的自己,以指定年月份寄送,給未來的自己一份驚喜。手寫明信片絕對是最有溫度的伴手禮。

Before leaving, don’t forget to write postcards in a wooden post office to share the happy travel memories with your family and friends. Also, you can send a postcard to your future self as a surprise. Either way, the handwritten postcard will be the warmest gift ever.

▲別忘了拜訪年輪郵局,寄一張明信片給親朋好友或是未來的自己|Before leaving, don’t forget to write postcards in a wooden post office to share the happy travel memories with your family and friends.(Courtesy of resume5588)

▲寫好明信片後,將滿滿的願望祝福投入幸福信箱。|After the postcards writing is done, you can put them in the mailboxes. (Courtesy of molly888666)



網址:https://www.lavendercottage.com.tw/zh-tw/ | Website: https://dreamdancer1109.wixsite.com/english

地址:台中市新社區中興街20號 |Address: No. 20, Zhongxing St., Xinshe Dist., Taichung City 426, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

開放時間:週一至週五10:30 – 18:30 ; 週六至週日10:00 – 18:30 |Opening hours: 10:30 a.m. – 6:30 p.m. on weekdays, 10 a.m. – 6:30 p.m. on weekend



When April is just around the corner, the central part of the island is covered with a white blanket — Tung blossoms, followed by various celebrations of the tung blossoms. Located at Puli Township, Nantou County, New Era Art Resort & SPA covering 20,000 hectares grassland and thousands of tung oil trees is one of the top spots to enjoy the “April Snow.”

▲位在南投埔里的牛耳渡假村是欣賞四月雪的最佳地點之一。|New Era Art Resort & SPA is one of the top spots to enjoy the “April Snow.”(Courtesy of New Era Art Resort & SPA)


In addition to the white flowers, there are stone sculptures created by local artist Lin and every piece of art in the resort has a story. What’s more? After walking around and having fun, you can have a revitalizing spa treatment and enjoy the sauna to relieve your stress and anxiety.

▲將桐花排成浪漫小愛心別有一番情趣 | Heart shaped white flowers (Courtesy of New Era Art Resort & SPA)

▲油桐花又被稱為四月雪|”April Snow” refers to the tung blossoms. (Courtesy of New Era Art Resort & SPA)


南投埔里的牛耳渡假村 | Information 

地址:南投縣埔里鎮中山路四段1號 | Address: No. 1, Sec. 4, Zhongshan Rd., Puli Township, Nantou County 545, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

網站:http://www.neweraart.com.tw  | Website :http://www.neweraart.com.tw

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