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▲香港一間新創公司推出環保塑膠袋「Invisible Bag」|A Hong Kong start-up company has launched an eco-friendly plastic bag dubbed "Invisible Bag" (Courtesy of @daction.today/Instagram)

香港最夯隱形袋成份曝光 網友暴動:台灣很需要!


事實上,Invisible Bag的材料普遍應用在各大產業,包括醫療、個人護理用品等等都能看到類似材料,而這對夫妻決定將此應用於環保袋,取代一般塑膠垃圾袋。

The website says that the material of the bag is commonly used in several industries, such as medical and personal care applications.

Therefore, Distinctive Action aims to general use as an alternative solution to replace conventional plastics.


The Hong Kong-based start-up is actively promoting the use of eco-bags, which are increasingly being used by small shops with the same goal, such as second-hand clothing stores, coffee shops, restaurants and more.

Invisible Bag可承重3至4公斤,目前官網有販售服飾袋、購物袋,每個售價港幣HK$1.5 (約新台幣5.68)至1.65(約新台幣6.25)。

The Invisible Bag can hold 3-4kg and is currently available on the official website for HK$1.50 (NT$5.68) to HK$1.65 (NT$6.25) each.

▲目前官網有販售服飾袋、購物袋,每個售價港幣HK$1.5 (約新台幣5.68)至1.65(約新台幣6.25)。| The Invisible Bag can hold 3-4kg and is currently available on the official website for HK$1.50 (NT$5.68) to HK$1.65 (NT$6.25) each. (Courtesy of @daction.today/Instagram)


原文自 《The China Post

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