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▲神隱少女商店街不在九份?台南大紅燈籠引網美朝聖。(圖/IG @beckhamhong66)


▲關子嶺閑雲橋 |Guanziling Xianyun Bridge (Courtesy of @hongruru0526/Instagram)
▲關子嶺閑雲橋 | Guanziling Xianyun Bridge (Courtesy of @beckhamhong66/Instagram)

關子嶺閑雲橋地址: 臺南市732白河區關子嶺11之12號  |  No. 11-12, Tainan City, Baihe District


If a visit is paid to the temple, you can enjoy a dip in the nearby hot springs, including the “Guanziling Mud Hot Springs” (關子嶺溫泉) which are highly recommended for their panoramic view of the town and mountain ridges.  


The area is divided into four separate pools of mineral-rich water, each varying in temperature.

Even more exciting, visitors may choose between the two clear-water springs or the two mud springs…or enjoy all of them!

Either way, the muddy spring water is so soothing, it’ll give your skin that nice, “baby-soft” texture and glow. 


10/17 關嶺光影樂園 |  Light and shade themed park 
活動時間:10/17(六) 19:00~21:00 | Date: Oct. 17, 7-9 p.m. 
活動地點:寶泉橋溫泉公園 | Location: Baoquan Park 

10/24關嶺復古派對 | Retro party  
活動時間:10/24(六) 19:00~21:00 | Date: Oct. 24, 7-9 p.m. 
活動地點:統茂溫泉會館旁 | Toong Mao Resorts & Hotels 

10/31 萬聖妖怪溫泉樂園 | Holloween monster hot spring-themed park  

活動時間:10/31(六) 18:00~21:00 | Date: Oct. 31, 6-9 p.m. 
活動地點:寶泉橋溫泉公園 | Baoquan Park


原文自《The China Post

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