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俄羅斯美女愛上野溪溫泉秘境 泡完驚呼:太幸福了


“There are mountains, tea plantations, sakura trees and a lot of vegetables. And it’s super peaceful here,” Lena said while walking along with the tea farms.  


Lena added that you can also drive all the way to the valley directly, but it is recommended that the car better have four-wheel drive.  


The 3 km trail took the two an hour and a half to reach the valley. After reaching the valley and finding a suitable campsite, they started to set up camp and gather wood to make a fire. 


The two then gathered around the fire and enjoyed kimchi hot pot, relishing happiness in nature.  

After having a good night’s sleep, Lena and Patrick took a walk in the morning along the valley with pools of hot springs scattered on the sides.   


As the weather was slightly chilly, the two dipped into the hot springs and relished the beauty of nature.   


“It feels very good. Even though it’s very cold outside, it’s like perfect inside,” Lena praised with admiration.  


After soaking in the hot spring, they returned to the campground and finished packing up.  

Carry their backpacks, they returned to the departure point in about an hour, bringing the trip to a perfect end. 


原文自《The China Post

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