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▲Qingtiangang Grassland, Yangmingshan National Park. (Photo courtesy of Shutterstock)

台灣這處登全球最安靜景點 美籍科學家曝背後原因

▲Gordon Hempton reportedly lost and regained his hearing between 2003 and 2004. (Photo courtesy of @ClimateLeave/Facebook)


“I know it sounds strange but I went back to the quiet to ask questions and for advice. The quiet immediately answered. It told me that quiet should be for everyone,” he says. Thus, QPI was born.

新加坡部落客Michelle Lim也表示,在都市環境中尋求安靜的場所變得越來越重要,而陽明山正是一個不需要跑太遠就能享有一份寂靜的清幽之地。

The need for quiet spaces in urban areas has become increasingly important, according to Singapore-based blogger Michelle Lim, who deem Yangmingshan a sanctuary where one doesn’t have to travel far to “head to somewhere peaceful and quiet.”

▲Singapore-based blogger Michelle Lim views Yangmingshan as the perfect place to recharge without traveling too far. (Photo courtesy of Shutterstock)


As of press time, QPI has identified 262 spaces across the world with many still awaiting evaluation and protection from noise.


原文自《The China Post

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