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▲玉山主峰標高3,952公尺 (圖|朱研燕)

替自己做一場淨化與療癒 享受玉山登頂的意猶未盡

▲尼泊爾籟簫又名玉山籟簫,屬於菊科,外層密佈長綿毛,花期落在七月至十月,多生長於3,200公尺以上高山群峰及岩原。| Anaphalis Nepalensis , also known as the Yushan pearly everlasting, belongs to the Asteraceae family, is densely covered with long trichomes (or “plant hair”), and blooms from July to October. This flower’s ideal habitat are peaks and rock plains over 3,200 meters high.(Courtesy of Chu, yen-yen)


Located at an altitude of 3,402 meters above sea level at 8.5 kilometers, Paiyun Lodge provides water, bathrooms, and kitchen facilities.

▲排雲山莊 | Paiyun Lodge (Courtesy of Chu Yen-yen)


The restaurant and the sleeping bag rental are run by separate companies.

If you don’t want to cook your own meals, you can order meals offered by Paiyun Lodge in advance, and it’s also possible to rent sleeping bags to reduce the weight of the backpack. Such services and equipment are basically five-star accommodation in the mountaineering world.


Built adjacent to Yushan’s main peak and Xifeng peak, the lodge is surrounded by all these mountaintops, facing the valley with a wide view of the south. This position makes it an excellent place to view both the vast ocean and clouds above, which are best enjoyed at around 5 p.m. during autumn and winter.

▲排雲山莊觀賞日落雲海 | Paiyun Lodge under sunset-bathed clouds. (Courtesy of Chu Yen-yen)


The following morning at 3:00 am is the best time for the Yushan hikers to start making their way to the mountain.

The road after leaving Paiyun Lodge is a zigzag-shaped steep slope whose high altitude makes many climbers breathless, while the road’s loose gravel increases a sense of unease, although some sections of the road have iron chains to support it.


With a low morning temperature of fewer than 5 degrees, the road seems endless as the shuttle’s headlights illuminate the path ahead, and it’s not easy reaching Xiaofengkou (小風口) as strong winds make standing upright difficult.


Only 200 meters away from Yushan’s main peak and the final trek of this zigzagging slope is so steep, it seems like a stairway to the sky, so grasp onto the iron chain beside you and climb carefully until you’ve finally completed the final 2.3-kilometer trial.

If you’re lucky and depart early enough in the morning, you will arrive at the peak in time to enjoy the sunrise bathing the sea and clouds – an undeniably unforgettable sight to behold.

▲玉山主峰標高3,952公尺 | The elevation of Yushan’s main peak is 3,952 meters high. (Courtesy of Chu Yen-yen)


原文自 《The China Post

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