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▲台北市小秘密基地。(圖/Laura Hsu)

來訪台北市小秘密基地 好吃又好拍的咖啡廳在這裡!

穿越九千公里交給你 甜點咖啡舖 | Laundry and Coffee

在松山區小巷裡的「穿越九千公里交給你 甜點咖啡舖」,是台北唯一一間能夠邊與浣熊玩耍,邊在洗衣機布景前拍照的咖啡館。除了能在這享受美味的早午餐外,你也能提前預約來近距離的觀賞玻璃窗房間內的浣熊。

Located in an alley around the quiet Songshan district, the café is the only place in Taipei where you can play with raccoons while taking pictures with a washing machine as the backdrop.

Other than the tasty brunch meals on offer, the restaurant lets you get a close-up view of the raccoons behind a glass window room within the cafe. However, those wishing to do so will have to schedule beforehand.


▲Laundry and Coffee (Photo courtesy of Laura Hsu)

地址|How to get there? | 105台北市松山區民權東路三段160巷19號16號 | No. 16, Alley 19, Lane 160, Section 3, Minquan East Road, Songshan District, Taipei City, 105


覺旅咖啡|Journey Kaffe


Located in Neihu District, Journey Kaffe is a spacious open floor space that embodies elements of a do-it-yourself kitchen, quiet study area, as well as a self-service food bar. The café offers a variety of American cuisine, ranging from rich chocolate cake to a healthy green chicken salad.

▲Journey Kaffe (Photo courtesy of Laura Hsu)

地址|How to get there? | 台北市內湖區陽光街321巷42號 114台北市內湖區陽光街321巷42號 | No. 42, Lane 321, Yangguang Street, Neihu District, Taipei City, 114 |  電話|Telephone: 02 8752 6606


來吧咖啡|Light Bar Café 

來吧咖啡館以巨大的玻璃窗迎客,咖啡廳本身也帶有一股平靜、庸懶的氣息。咖啡館有三層樓,每張桌子之間有​​足夠的間距。來吧咖啡館的料理味道十足,咖啡館甚至允許顧客連接免費WIFI,是 一個很適合學生念書的好地點。

Light Bar Café welcomes you with its huge glass windows and a calming atmosphere. The café has three floors, with adequate spacing between each table. The food tastes authentic and homemade, and the cafe even allows customers to connect to free WIFI, it is perfect for students looking for a quiet place to study.


▲Light Bar Cafe (Photo courtesy of Laura Hsu)

地址|How to get there? | 北市大安區信義路三段134巷12號 台北市大安區信義路三段134巷12號 | No. 12, Lane 134, Section 3, Xinyi Road, Da’an District, Taipei City, 106 | 電話|Telephone: 02 2709 3843


原文自 《The China Post

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