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The island of Dongji is only 1.54 kilometers squared; however, due to the importance of its location, it has been a transshipment station for maritime trade between the rest of Taiwan and Penghu. On the island, there is the well-known Dongji Lighthouse (東吉燈塔), which supposedly help guide ships sailing at sea. Previously, residents in Dongji made up more than 2000 people, thus, Dongji is also known as “Little Shanghai.”

▲東吉島是古代從澎湖坐船到台灣的中繼站,島上有一座知名的東吉燈塔,佇立在岸邊指引著在大海中航行的船隻,當地住民最多達2000人以上,因此有「小上海」之稱。|The island of Dongji is only 1.54 kilometers squared; however, due to the importance of its location, it has been a transshipment station for maritime trade between the rest of Taiwan and Penghu.(NOWnews)


Yet, due to the depletion of marine resources and the outflow of population, the number of residents on the island is currently less than 20. In recent years, the marine Management Department dedicated themselves to infrastructure construction. With the influx of tourists recently, the island seems to be “alive” again.


Park management official Hsu Shao-liang (徐紹良) said that there are many hotels in business on island, however there are not enough fine restaurants for tourists to dine at. Thus, Hsu especially found a retired chef to make boxed food for at Dongji’s Management Station.

▲旅客在東吉可享受湛藍的天、清澈的海,看著大自然鬼斧神工的柱狀玄武岩,遠離都市塵囂,盡情來場海洋之旅。|Travelers can enjoy the clear blue sky and nature, away from the hustle of the cities.(NOWnews)


Dongji’s only store allows tourists to buy affordable cold drinks or instant noodles. The 80-years-old grandma sings in the marina pavilion and sells delicious local wind tea. Travelers can enjoy the clear blue sky and nature, away from the hustle of the cities.


原文自 《The China Post

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