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聽起來好像無縫接軌好棒棒?其實,心理測量是有限制的,我們當然可以測量生活滿意度、自信、糾纏舊情人等指標,但是這樣真的是「比較好」嗎?研究親密關係多年的Samantha Joel[5]就指出,更重要的並非無縫與否,而是無縫「以後」的事。

很多時候,我們會拿現任情人與舊情人比較,如果新對象比較好,大概不會有太大的問題,但如果你新的無縫對象會讓你不斷想起舊愛的好,那麼每天的見面或約會,都可能是一種矛盾與掙扎。投入一段吃力不討好的關係(unrewarding relationship),反而會讓你更依賴舊愛[6]。因為在愛裡,一項不變的事實是:當你已經很依賴某個人來滿足你的某項需求,你就很難再將這份依賴,搬到另一個人身上。


1.         Barber, L.L. and M.L. Cooper, Rebound sex: Sexual motives and behaviors following a relationship breakup. Arch Sex Behav, 2014. 43(2): p. 251-65.

2.         Spielmann, S.S., G. MacDonald, and A.E. Wilson, On the Rebound: Focusing on Someone New Helps Anxiously Attached Individuals Let Go of Ex-Partners. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 2009. 35(10): p. 1382-1394.

3.         Brumbaugh, C.C. and R.C. Fraley, Too fast, too soon? An empirical investigation into rebound relationships. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 2014.

4.         Wolfinger, N.H., Does the rebound effect exist? Time to remarriage and subsequent union stability. Journal of Divorce & Remarriage, 2007. 46(3-4): p. 9-20.

5.         Joel, S., After The Rebound… What Next?, 2012: Scienceofrelationship.

6.         Spielmann, S.S., et al., Ex appeal current relationship quality and emotional attachment to ex-partners. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 2013. 4(2): p. 175-180.

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