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Home » 淘生活 » 姊妹旅食 » 真正都市中的叢林!台中中央公園自然體驗紅到國外


【看CP學英文】美國旅遊網站Matador Network於1月21日專文報導台中中央公園,標題名為「台灣機場轉型而成的美麗都市公園」文內介紹公園內的豐富生態,以及如何運用太陽能科技帶來更舒適的體驗,為城市增添綠意。

Matador Network, a U.S.-based travel website, heaped praise on “Taichung Central Park” on Jan. 21 in an article titled “This Taiwan airport has been transformed into a beautiful urban park.” 

The article written by Eben Diskin introduces the rich ecology of the park and how solar technology can be used to bring tourists a comfortable experience and add greenery to the city.  

報導中開頭寫道,「一座台灣舊機場注入新生命,以令人意想不到的全新樣貌展現於世: 一座都市公園。」  

“An old airport in Taiwan has found new life in an unexpected form: an urban park,” Diskin wrote.   

▲中央公園 | Taichung Central Park (Courtesy of Mosbach Paysagistes)

內文介紹道,中央公園前身為台中水湳機場,由法國景觀建築團隊 Mosbach Paysagistes操刀設計,將機場地形融入中央公園的景觀設計。  

Taichung Shuinan Airport has been transformed into the new Central Park designed by Mosbach Paysagistes, a French landscape architecture team who integrated the airport’s topography into the park’s landscape design.   

▲中央公園味覺體驗區 (Courtesy of Taichung City Government)
▲中央公園味覺體驗區 (Courtesy of Taichung City Government)

Mosbach Paysagistes的設計靈感啟發於奧地利哲學家魯道夫‧史代納(Rudolf Steiner)的十二感官理論,在公園內設置12感官體驗區。文中提到,其中有一區遊客可體驗製造回聲,嗅覺體驗區則是種滿花朵,讓體驗者感受芬芳香氣。  

The park features 12 different fields inspired by Austrian philosopher Rudolf Steiner’s “Principle of the 12 Senses.”  

The article mentions an area where visitors can experience the creation of echoes and the olfactory experience area is full of flowers, allowing visitors to experience the fragrance.  

▲台中中央公園嗅覺體驗區 (Courtesy of Taichung City Government)
▲中央公園夜景 | Taichung Central Park night view (Courtesy of Taichung City Government)


The park also integrates solar technology and sets up solar panels to shield the park from humidity and pollution in the city.  

There are as many as 200 species of plants in the park and more than 10,000 trees are expected to grow next few years.  

▲中央公園夜景 | Taichung Central Park night view (Courtesy of Taichung City Government)


原文自《The China Post

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