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▲The architectural design of the store is based on the imagery of hands clasped together when people praying.  (Courtesy of Starbucks)


▲門市內藝術牆面,更邀請北港當地的藝術家葉成豐合作,運用紙雕工藝手法,表現出星巴克的咖啡生長過程。 | Local artist Yeh Cheng-feng was invited to use paper sculptures to create the art wall in the store, depicting the growth process of Starbucks coffee. (Courtesy of Starbucks)
▲葉成豐的紙雕作品 | Papers sculptures made by Yeh Cheng-feng are pictured. (Courtesy of Starbucks)

北港門市亦為雲林縣首間導入「氮氣系列(Coffee & Tea on Tap)」飲品專案及「現烤專案」的門市,提供顧客可以品嘗到經典熱銷的四款飲品、法國直送的「現烤糕點」以及「現烤餅乾」。

It is also the first store in Yunlin County to introduce the “Coffee & Tea on Tap” beverage program and the in-store bakery.

What’s more? You can try four of Starbucks’ popular classic beverages, as well as “freshly baked pastries and cookies” at the Beigang store.


星巴克北港門市 | Starbucks Beigang 

How to get there?  | 雲林縣北港鎮華南路38號 |  No. 38, Huanan Rd., Beigang Township, Yunlin County 651, Taiwan


原文自《The China Post

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